Web Hosting in Canada


We offer web hosting in Canada, with all regulated domain name services that include: Domains, Domain Registration, Bulk Registration, Domain Transfer, Bulk Transfer and Domain Backorder.

We are a Re-seller for GoDaddy, meaning, all of our servers ... are GoDaddy servers! We offer our web hosting services in Saskatoon and surrounding area primarily.

Get the Right name for your business with us.

Register a Domain!

Here is a listing of our most popular hosting package:

cPanel Economy

C$10.99 per month
cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.

- 1 website
- 100 GB space
- Unlimited bandwidth*
- 100 email accounts**
- 10 MySQL databases (1 GB ea.)

Additional hosting plans can be viewed at the link below as well...

cPanel Economy

Aside from our affordable hosting rates and domain registration services, we go beyond...with our Google My Business services...that you Can get for free!

When you sign up for web hosting with us, you are entitled to getting a Google My Business setup for free. The basis for GMB is that it stands to be a portal for your business on Google.

GMB will list key contact information for you such as: phone, web address, hours of operation, images and category of industry (among other items). Another key feature of Google My Business is that of Reviews. GMB will add and collect reviews on your behalf from other Google users who have interacted with your company. They will then rate their experience with your company out of 5, and, have the option to leave comments.

Google My Business is a prominent tool for connecting with potential customers who may be searching for what you offer!

Get In Touch

Products we offer.

The following is a list of popular/ essential products we offer:

    Domain Names -- The first step for an online venture. This would be the physical web address that a user would type to find to reach your business.  Web hosting in Canada generally deals in .CA domains, but all extensions are available.

    Web Hosting -- This would be the physical server space that you would rent to hold your website and your web content. Hosting prices cyle on a per month basis.

    Secure Socket Layer (SSL) -- The SSL is a layer of security that most websites will require, especially, if said website requires commerce functionality.

    Wordpress -- A Wordpress is type of website known as a CMS (content management system). This type of website allows a user to modify and add content on their website themselves.

    Dedicated Servers -- The dedicated server is a type of web hosting platform used for resource-intensive websites. A game server would be a common example.

    Email Account -- Get a personalized email with your @domain relative to your web address. 1 GB of storage.

Canadian Web Hosting


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total exp.


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Events could include designing a Live Logo, giving a Tip on business start-up....or....us just being Brandom and Silly:)